, like many others, uses cookies in order to facilitate, improve and personalize navigation for users. Cookies are small text files that a website server stores in the user’s browser (explorer, safari, firefox, chrome…). Thus, when the user visits the website again, the cookies are read to identify said user and establish their browsing preferences. uses the following cookies:
Session Cookies:
These are temporary cookies that remain in the browser cookie file of your device until the browser is closed.
They can enable certain functionalities of the site and are also used by the server to save/remember information about the user’s activities within the portal.
The session cookies we use are strictly necessary for to function properly.
Analytical Cookies:
These cookies are used to track the search engine from which the website was visited and what search terms were used to find it, they calculate the time spent on the website in each session and the number of times the user has visited the page.
Navigation Cookies:
These cookies are used to improve the user experience on the portal. These allow you to save for a certain time, actions carried out by the user while browsing the portal, in order to make it more usable and faster. Last searches carried out, properties that interest you.
Expiration of the cookies used
The Cookies used in may have the following types of expirations:
Session: Expiring once the user logs out of the session.
Persistent: They are permanently installed in your browser for a certain time (in the case of browsing cookies on it is one year) and are activated every time you visit the portal, as long as it is not deactivated its use.
Cookie settings
To find out how to configure the use of cookies in your browser, you can consult the following links for the main browsers and devices:
– chrome:
– firefox:
– internet explorer:
– web safari:
-safari ios: